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Frequently Asked Questions: 

Picking a Book

Frequently Asked Questions: 

About Autumn's Tithe:  


​Q:  Is there a specific place you recommend buying Autumn's Tithe from that would benefit you most?  

A: This question is so kind! All versions and formats help me tremendously as an author. But if you don't have a preference, ordering from the Counterpoise website directly helps me the most. And I'll sign and personalize those copies for you! 


Q:  Where is it available to buy?

A: It's available anywhere books are sold. Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, indie bookstores, etc


Q:  Is it going to be on Kindle Unlimited? 

A: No 


Q:  Is there an audiobook?

A: Yes! Autumn's Tithe and Autumn's Traitor are available here


Q:  Is it available in other countries? 

A: Yes! Check your country's Amazon. I don't always know what distributors have added the book, so you might have to search for Autumn's Tithe and Autumn's Traitor at the distributor of your choice 


Q:  Is there any swearing or inappropriate scenes in Autumn's Tithe or Autumn's Traitor? 

A: No swearing or explicit scenes, but the book covers some dark themes. It's a young adult book meant for teens ages 14+ 


Q:  Are Autumn's Tithe and Traitor part of a series? 

A: Yes! Autumn's Tithe is book 1 in The Severed Realms Trilogy, and Autumn's Traitor is the sequel 


Q:  When does book three come out?  

A: My goal is for it to come out in 2025 


Q:  Does the book have a diverse cast? POC characters?

A: Yes! There's room for everyone in this book world :)  


Q:  Is it YA or NA? 

A: Young Adult


Q:  Who designed the cover?

A: Cover Dungeon Rabbit  





Q:  How long did it take you to finish writing Autumn's Tithe and publish it? 

A: It took me 5 years from start to finish. A year to write and four to edit and publish 


Q:  I just finished writing a book and want to publish… now what?

A: First, explore which publishing route is right for you, traditional or self-publishing. If you decide to self-publish, the next steps are self-editing the book and hiring professional editors. You must query an agent if you want to publish traditionally. There are plenty of free online resources that list the many steps of publishing  


Q: Can Counterpoise Press publish my book? 

A: If you query us and your manuscript is accepted, yes! Check out submission details here


Q: Can you read my book/chapter/etc? 

A: Unfortunately, no, I don't have the time to do readings for free  


Q: What writing software do you use?

A: Microsoft Word and Scrivener 


Q: How much does it cost to publish with Counterpoise? 

A: Nothing! Publishers pay you, not the other way around. Any publisher asking you for money is a vanity publisher and is a scam. If a traditional publisher like Counterpoise accepts your book, they will pay you an advance and royalties 




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